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Using The Tongue

French Twirl
French women have long been famed for their exceptional oral skills. Their little known secret weapon is the tongue swirl. As the penis is sliding in and out of your lips, swirl your tongue around the tip and the top of the shaft. A soft, continuous swirl is more than most men can bear for a moment or two.

Long Lick
Start a long lick at the very bottom of the scrotum. Slowly proceed to the base of the penis, then up the shaft and onto the tip. End with a little flick of the tip off the end of your tongue. Begin back at the bottom of the scrotum and make your way to the top a few more times.

Let his erect penis bounce up and down off the top of your tongue, as though it were bouncing on a trampoline. You'll find that a fully erect penis will generally bounce right back onto your tongue each time.

Lollipop Licking
Genrously lick the tip of his penis as though you were sexily licking a tasty lollipop.

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